Accomodation info

There are several options in Aveiro, at walking distance from the conference venue. The search box added in the footer of this page can be used for a wide search and/or booking of your accommodation. Nonetheless, we are offering below our suggestions at special fares for participants in the Conference. In order to benefit from these special fares, you must book directly, via email, and identify yourself as a participant in the Conference. In all cases breakfast and free Wi-Fi access are included.

Single room for 50 €/night | Double room for 65€/night

Single room for 50 €/night | Double room for 65€/night 

Single studio for 55€/night |Twin studio for 75€/night

Single room for 43€/night | Double room for 50€/night

Single room for 84€/night |  Double room for 94€/night